abipy package
abipy is a set of tools for the analysis of ABINIT results.
- abipy.abio package
- abipy.core package
- abipy.dfpt package
- abipy.display package
- abipy.dynamics package
- abipy.electrons package
- abipy.embedding namespace
- abipy.eph package
- abipy.flowtk package
- abipy.iotools package
- abipy.lumi package
- abipy.ml package
- abipy.panels package
- abipy.ppcodes package
- abipy.scripts package
- abipy.tools package
- abipy.wannier90 package
- abipy.waves package
abipy.abilab module
This module gathers the most important classes and helper functions used for scripting.
- abipy.abilab.abiopen_ext2class_table()[source]
Print the association table between file extensions and File classes.
- abipy.abilab.extcls_supporting_panel(as_table=True, **tabulate_kwargs)[source]
Return list of (ext, cls) tuples where ext is the file extension supporting the get_panel method i.e files that can be integrated with the panel dashboard and cls the python class associated to it.
- abipy.abilab.abipanel(**kwargs)[source]
Activate panel extensions used by AbiPy. Return panel module.
- abipy.abilab.abifile_subclass_from_filename(filename)[source]
Returns the appropriate class associated to the given filename.
- Return type:
- abipy.abilab.dir2abifiles(top, recurse=True)[source]
Analyze the filesystem starting from directory top and return an ordered dictionary mapping the directory name to the list of files supported by
contained within that directory. If notrecurse
, children directories are not analyzed.- Return type:
- abipy.abilab.isabifile(filepath)[source]
Return True if filepath can be opened with
.- Return type:
- abipy.abilab.abiopen(filepath)[source]
Factory function that opens any file supported by abipy. File type is detected from the extension
- Parameters:
filepath (
) – string with the filename.
- abipy.abilab.abirobot(filepaths)[source]
Factory function to create and return a Robot subclass from a list of filenames The Robot subclass is detected from the extension of the first file hence all files are assumed to have the same extension.
- abipy.abilab.software_stack(as_dataframe=False)[source]
Import all the hard dependencies and some optional packages. Returns ordered dict: package –> string with version info or pandas dataframe if as_dataframe.
- abipy.abilab.abicheck(verbose=0)[source]
This function tests if the most important ABINIT executables can be found in $PATH and whether the python modules needed at run-time can be imported. Return string with error messages, empty if success.
- Return type:
- abipy.abilab.install_config_files(workdir=None, force_reinstall=False)[source]
Install pre-defined configuration files for the TaskManager and the Scheduler in the workdir directory.
- abipy.abilab.abipy_logo1()[source]
- Return type:
- abipy.abilab.abipy_logo2()[source]
- Return type:
- abipy.abilab.abipy_logo3()[source]
- Return type: