abipy.panels package
abipy.panels.a2f module
Panels to interact with A2F files.
- class abipy.panels.a2f.A2fFilePanel(ncfile, **params)[source]
Panel with widgets to interact with a
.- name = 'A2fFilePanel'
abipy.panels.core module
“Basic tools and mixin classes for AbiPy panels.
- abipy.panels.core.open_html(html_string, browser=None)[source]
Open a string with an HTML document in browser.
- Return type:
- abipy.panels.core.abipanel(panel_template='FastList')[source]
Activate panel extensions used by AbiPy. Return panel module.
- Parameters:
panel_template (
) – String with the name of the panel template to be used by default.
- abipy.panels.core.gen_id(n=1, pre='uuid-')[source]
universally unique identifiers prepended withpre
string. Return string if n == 1 or list of strings if n > 1
- abipy.panels.core.get_template_cls_from_name(name)[source]
Return panel template from string. Support name in the form FastList as well as FastListTemplate.
- abipy.panels.core.depends_on_btn_click(btn_name, show_doc=True, show_shared_wdg_warning=True, show_exc=True)[source]
This decorator is used for callbacks triggered by a button of name btn_name
- abipy.panels.core.show_exception(func)[source]
This decorator returns a Markdown pane with the backtrace if the function raises an exception.
- class abipy.panels.core.HTMLwithClipboardBtn(object=None, btn_cls=None, **params)[source]
Receives an HTML string and returns an HTML pane with a button that allows users to copy the content to the system clipboard. Requires call to abipanel to load the JS extension.
- name = 'HTMLwithClipboardBtn'
- abipy.panels.core.mpl(fig, sizing_mode='stretch_width', with_controls=False, with_divider=True, **kwargs)[source]
Helper function returning a panel Column with a matplotly pane followed by a divider and (optionally) controls to customize the figure.
- Return type:
- abipy.panels.core.ply(fig, sizing_mode='stretch_both', with_chart_studio=False, with_help=False, with_divider=True, with_controls=False)[source]
Helper function returning a panel Column with a plotly pane, buttons to push the figure to plotly chart studio and, optionally, controls to customize the figure.
- Return type:
- abipy.panels.core.dfc(df, wdg_type='tabulator', with_export_btn=True, with_controls=False, with_divider=True, transpose=False, **kwargs)[source]
Helper function returning a panel Column with a DataFrame or Tabulator widget followed by a divider and (optionally) controls to customize the figure.
Note that not all the options work as exected. See comments below.
- abipy.panels.core.my_md(string, **kwargs)[source]
Return a Markdown pane from string. Extra kwargs are passed to pane.Markdown. The string can contain links to Abinit variables in the wikilink format. :rtype:
- class abipy.panels.core.ButtonContext(btn)[source]
A context manager for buttons triggering computations on the server.
This manager disables the button when we __enter__ and changes the name of the button to “running”. It reverts to the initial state of the button once __exit__ is invoked, showing the Exception type in a “red” button if an exception is raised during the computation.
This a very important tool because we need to disable the button when we start the computation to prevent the user from triggering multiple callbacks while the server is still working. At the same time, whathever happens in the callback, the button should go back to “clickable” mode when the callback returns so that the user can try to change the parameters and rerun.
Note also that we want to provide some graphical feedback to the user if something goes wrong. At present we don’t expose the python traceback on the client. It would be nice but we need panel machinery to do that. Moreover this is not the recommended approach for security reasons so we just change the “color” of the button and use the string representation of the exception as button name.
- class abipy.panels.core.Loading(panel_obj, err_wdg=None, width=70)[source]
A context manager for setting the loading attribute of a panel object.
- class abipy.panels.core.ActiveBar(progress, err_wdg=None, width=70)[source]
A context manager that sets progress.active to True on entry and False when we exit.
- class abipy.panels.core.AbipyParameterized(*, has_remote_server, mpi_procs, plotly_template, verbose, name)[source]
Base class for AbiPy panels. Provides helper functions for typical operations needed for building dashboard and basic parameters supported by the subclasses.
- verbose = 0
- mpi_procs = 1
- plotly_template = 'plotly'
- has_remote_server = False
- warning = Markdown(str, name='warning')
- disable_show_messages(show_doc=False, show_shared_wdg_warning=False)[source]
Context manager to disable the output of the docstring and the warning message.
- with self.disable_show_messages():
pn.Row(“## Callback with no info message”, self.on_plot_phbands_and_phdos)
- on_plotly_template()[source]
Change the default plotly template. NB: It’s not a good idea to expose this option when running the server as other users will be affected by this change hence this function is just for internal use.
- pws(keys)[source]
Helper function returning the list of parameters and widgets defined in self from a list of strings. Accepts also widget or parameter instances.
- wdg_exts_with_get_panel(name='File extensions supported:')[source]
Return Select widget with the list of file extensions implementing a get_panel method.
- static get_software_stack()[source]
Return column with version of python packages in tabular format.
- Return type:
- get_ebands_from_file_input(file_input, remove=True)[source]
Read and return an
object from a file_input widget. Return None if the file does not provide an ebands object. Remove the file if remove == True.
- get_template_from_tabs(tabs, template, **tabs_kwargs)[source]
This method receives panel Tabs or a dictionary, include them in a template and return the template instance.
- name = 'AbipyParameterized'
- class abipy.panels.core.PanelWithStructure(structure, **params)[source]
A paremeterized object with a
object.- structure_viewer = 'jsmol'
- get_structure_info()[source]
Return Column with lattice parameters, angles and atomic positions grouped by type.
- Return type:
- name = 'PanelWithStructure'
- abipy.panels.core.get_structure_info(structure)[source]
Return Column with lattice parameters, angles and atomic positions grouped by type.
- Return type:
- class abipy.panels.core.NcFileViewer(ncfile, **params)[source]
This class implements toool to inspect dimensions and variables stored in a netcdf file.
Relyes on the API provided by AbinitNcFile defined in core.mixins.py
- nc_path = '/'
- name = 'NcFileViewer'
- class abipy.panels.core.PanelWithElectronBands(ebands, **params)[source]
Provide widgets and views for operating on
object.- with_gaps = False
- with_kpoints_plot = False
- set_fermie_to_vbm = False
- edos_method = 'gaussian'
- edos_step_ev = 0.1
- edos_width_ev = 0.2
- skw_lpratio = 5
- skw_line_density = 20
- skw_ebands_kpath = None
- skw_ebands_kpath_fileinput = None
- fs_viewer = 'matplotlib'
- ifermi_wigner_seitz = True
- ifermi_interpolation_factor = 8
- ifermi_eref = 'fermie'
- ifermi_with_velocities = True
- ifermi_offset_eV = 0.0
- ifermi_plot_type = 'plotly'
- ebands_kpath = None
- ebands_kpath_fileinput = None
- ebands_kmesh = None
- ebands_kmesh_fileinput = None
- effmass_accuracy = 4
- effmass_degtol_ev = 0.001
- effmass_spin = 0
- on_plot_ebands_btn()[source]
This Tab allows one to plot the KS energies stored in the netcdf file as well as the associated list of k-points in the Brillouin.
- Return type:
- get_effmass_view()[source]
Return Row with widgets to compute effective masses with finite diff.
- Return type:
- on_plot_effmass_btn()[source]
Compute and visualize effective masses with finite differences.
Note that the quality of the results strongly depend on the step i.e. the separation between two consecutive points along the k-path. The accuracy option allows one to change the number of points for the finite difference.
- Return type:
- on_plot_ifermi_btn()[source]
This Tab allows you to interpolate KS energies defined in the IBZ and visualize isosurfaces in the BZ using the [ifermi](https://fermisurfaces.github.io/IFermi/) package.
The energy of the isosurface is given by: energy_reference + energy_offset.
use fermie with zero offset to visualize the Fermi surface in metals.
for electron pockets in semiconductors, use cbm with a positive offset e.g. 0.1 eV.
for hole pockets in semiconductors, use vbm and a negative offset e.g. -0.1 eV.
- name = 'PanelWithElectronBands'
- class abipy.panels.core.BaseRobotPanel(robot, **params)[source]
Base class for panels with AbiPy robot.
- name = 'BaseRobotPanel'
- class abipy.panels.core.PanelWithEbandsRobot(robot, **params)[source]
Mixin class for panels with a robot that owns a list of of
.- name = 'PanelWithEbandsRobot'
abipy.panels.ddb module
Panel objects to operate on DDB files.
- class abipy.panels.ddb.PanelWithAnaddbParams(*, asr, chneut, dipdip, dipquad, dos_method, eps0_gamma_ev, ifc_yscale, lo_to_splitting, ndivsm, nqsmall, quadquad, units, name)[source]
Base class providing widgets to invoke Anaddb via AbiPy. Used, for instance, by DdbFilePanel and DdbRobotPanel so that we don’t have to repeat the same parameters over and over again.
- nqsmall = 10
- ndivsm = 5
- lo_to_splitting = 'automatic'
- chneut = 1
- dipdip = 1
- dipquad = 1
- quadquad = 1
- asr = 2
- units = 'eV'
- dos_method = 'tetra'
- eps0_gamma_ev = 0.0001
- ifc_yscale = 'log'
- kwargs_for_anaget_phbst_and_phdos_files(**extra_kwargs)[source]
Return the parameters required to invoke anaget_phbst_and_phdos_files Additional kwargs can be specified in extra_kwargs if needed.
- Return type:
- name = 'PanelWithAnaddbParams'
- class abipy.panels.ddb.DdbFilePanel(ddb, **params)[source]
A panel to analyze a
. Provides widgets to invoke anaddb and visualize the results.- vsound_num_points = 20
- vsound_qpt_norm = 0.1
- on_plot_phbands_and_phdos()[source]
This Tab provides widgets to compute: :rtype:
Phonon dispersion along a high-symmetry q-path
Total phonon DOS and atom-projected phonon DOSes
Thermodynamic properties in the Harmonic approximation
Note that anaddb uses the q-mesh found in the DDB file to build the interatomic force constants (IFCs) in real space and then compute phonon quantities at arbitrary q-points by Fourier interpolation.
The variables [[dipdip@anaddb]], [[dipquad@anaddb]] and [[quadquad@anaddb]] define the treatment of the long-range part (LR) of the IFCs in the Fourier interpolation of the dynamical matrix in semiconductors. See XXX
By default, anaddb includes all the three different LR terms (DD, DQ, QQ) to improve the quality of the Fourier interpolation under the assumption that the DDB file contains the Born effective charges, the macroscopic dielectric tensor and the dynamical quadrupoles.
This means that, in the majority of the cases, there is no need to change the default value of [[dipdip@anaddb]], [[dipquad@anaddb]] and [[quadquad@anaddb]] unless you want to disable them for testing purposes. Note, however, that the fact these options are activated by default does not necessarily mean that anaddb can take advantage of them. Please look at the output in the Summary Tab to understand if your DDB file contains the required entries.
- plot_vsound()[source]
This Tab provides widgets to compute the speed of sound by fitting the first three phonon branches along selected q-directions by linear least-squares fit.
The variables [[dipdip@anaddb]], [[dipquad@anaddb]] and [[quadquad@anaddb]] define the treatment of the long-range part (LR) of the IFCs in the Fourier interpolation of the dynamical matrix in semiconductors. See XXX
By default, anaddb includes all the three different LR terms (DD, DQ, QQ) to improve the quality of the Fourier interpolation under the assumption that the DDB file contains the Born effective charges, the macroscopic dielectric tensor and the dynamical quadrupoles.
This means that, in the majority of the cases, there is no need to change the default value of [[dipdip@anaddb]], [[dipquad@anaddb]] and [[quadquad@anaddb]] unless you want to disable them for testing purposes. Note, however, that the fact these options are activated by default does not necessarily mean that anaddb can take advantage of them. Please look at the output in the Summary Tab to understand if your DDB file contains the required entries.
- Return type:
- plot_without_asr_dipdip()[source]
This Tab provides widgets to compare phonon bands and DOSes computed with/without enforcing the acoustic sum rule and the treatment of the dipole-dipole interaction in the dynamical matrix. Requires DDB file with eps_inf, BECS.
- Return type:
- plot_dos_vs_qmesh()[source]
This Tab provides widgets to compare phonon DOSes and thermodynamic properties obtained using different q-meshes specifined via nqsmall_list.
The variables [[dipdip@anaddb]], [[dipquad@anaddb]] and [[quadquad@anaddb]] define the treatment of the long-range part (LR) of the IFCs in the Fourier interpolation of the dynamical matrix in semiconductors. See XXX
By default, anaddb includes all the three different LR terms (DD, DQ, QQ) to improve the quality of the Fourier interpolation under the assumption that the DDB file contains the Born effective charges, the macroscopic dielectric tensor and the dynamical quadrupoles.
This means that, in the majority of the cases, there is no need to change the default value of [[dipdip@anaddb]], [[dipquad@anaddb]] and [[quadquad@anaddb]] unless you want to disable them for testing purposes. Note, however, that the fact these options are activated by default does not necessarily mean that anaddb can take advantage of them. Please look at the output in the Summary Tab to understand if your DDB file contains the required entries.
- Return type:
- plot_phbands_quad()[source]
This Tab provides widgets to compare phonon bands and DOSes computed with/without the inclusion of the dipole-quadrupole and quadrupole-quadrupole terms in the dynamical matrix. Requires DDB file with eps_inf, BECS and dynamical quadrupoles.
- Return type:
- on_compute_elastic_btn()[source]
Call anaddb to compute elastic and piezoelectric tensors. Require DDB with strain terms.
By default, this method sets the anaddb input variables automatically by looking at the 2nd-order derivatives available in the DDB file. This behaviour can be changed by setting explicitly the value of: relaxed_ion and piezo.
- Return type:
- name = 'DdbFilePanel'
- class abipy.panels.ddb.PanelWithFileInput(use_structure=False, **params)[source]
- info_str = '\nPost-process the data stored in one of the ABINIT output files (*GSR.nc*, *DDB*, *FATBANDS.nc*, etc)\n'
- name = 'PanelWithFileInput'
- class abipy.panels.ddb.PanelWithStructureInput(*, has_remote_server, mpi_procs, plotly_template, verbose, name)[source]
- info_str = '\nThis app allows users to upload a file with structure info and operate on it.\n'
- name = 'PanelWithStructureInput'
- class abipy.panels.ddb.DdbPanelWithFileInput(*, has_remote_server, mpi_procs, plotly_template, verbose, name)[source]
- info_str = '\nThis app allows users to upload a DDB file with the dynamical matrix, compute\nphonon-related properties such as band structures, DOS, infrared absorption and visualize\nthe results.\n'
- name = 'DdbPanelWithFileInput'
- class abipy.panels.ddb.CompareDdbWithMP(*, has_remote_server, mpi_procs, plotly_template, verbose, name)[source]
- info_str = '\nThis app alllows users to upload a DDB file and compare it with the one available on the MP.\n'
- name = 'CompareDdbWithMP'
- class abipy.panels.ddb.DdbRobotPanel(robot, **params)[source]
A panel to analyze multiple DdbFiles via the low-level API provided by DdbRobot. Provides widgets to invoke anaddb and visualize the results.
- kwargs_for_anaget_phbst_and_phdos_files(**extra_kwargs)[source]
Extend method of base class to handle lo_to_splitting
- Return type:
- plot_without_asr_dipdip()[source]
Compare phonon bands and DOSes computed with/without the acoustic sum rule and the treatment of the dipole-dipole interaction in the dynamical matrix. Requires DDB file with eps_inf, BECS.
- Return type:
- name = 'DdbRobotPanel'
- class abipy.panels.ddb.RobotWithFileInput(*, has_remote_server, mpi_procs, plotly_template, verbose, name)[source]
- info_str = '\nThis app allows users to create an AbiPy robot to post-process\na set of ABINIT output files of the same type.\n '
- name = 'RobotWithFileInput'
abipy.panels.electrons module
” AbiPy panels for electronic properties.
- class abipy.panels.electrons.CompareEbandsWithMP(*, with_gaps, ylims_ev, has_remote_server, mpi_procs, plotly_template, verbose, name)[source]
- with_gaps = True
- ylims_ev = (-10, 10)
- info_str = '\nThis app alllows users to upload two files with KS energies.\n'
- name = 'CompareEbandsWithMP'
- class abipy.panels.electrons.SkwPanelWithFileInput(*, lpratio, has_remote_server, mpi_procs, plotly_template, verbose, name)[source]
- lpratio = 5
- info_str = '\nThis app allows users to upload two files with KS energies.\nThe first file contains the energies in the IBZ used for the SKW interpolation (NB: this file is required).\nThe second (optional) file contains the energies along a k-path.\nThe interpolated energies are then compared with the ab-initio ones on the k-path.\nThe user can change the SKW intepolation parameters to gauge the quality of the SKW fit.\n'
- name = 'SkwPanelWithFileInput'
abipy.panels.fatbands module
Panels for interacting with FATBANDS.nc files.
- class abipy.panels.fatbands.FatBandsFilePanel(ncfile, **params)[source]
Panel with widgets to interact with a
.- on_plot_fatbands_btn()[source]
Plot fatbands grouped by atomic type and angular momentum l
- Return type:
- on_plot_fatdos_btn()[source]
Plot PJDOS grouped by atomic type and angular momentum l
- Return type:
- get_panel(as_dict=False, **kwargs)[source]
Return tabs with widgets to interact with the FATBANDS.nc file.
- name = 'FatBandsFilePanel'
abipy.panels.flows module
“Panels to interact with AbiPy flows.
- class abipy.panels.flows.WorkTaskSelector(flow, **params)[source]
- task = None
- name = 'WorkTaskSelector'
- class abipy.panels.flows.FlowPanel(flow, **params)[source]
Provides widgets and callbacks to interact with an AbiPy Flow.
- name = 'FlowPanel'
- class abipy.panels.flows.JsPane[source]
Based on: https://discourse.holoviz.org/t/how-to-make-a-dynamic-link-in-panel/2137
- name = 'JsPane'
abipy.panels.gsr module
Panels to interact with GSR files.
- class abipy.panels.gsr.GsrFilePanel(ncfile, **params)[source]
Panel with widgets to interact with a
.- name = 'GsrFilePanel'
abipy.panels.hist module
“Panels for HIST files.
- class abipy.panels.hist.HistFilePanel(hist, **params)[source]
Panel with widgets to interact with a
.- on_plot_relax_btn()[source]
Plot the evolution of structural parameters (lattice lengths, angles and volume) as well as pressure, info on forces and total energy.
- Return type:
- get_panel(as_dict=False, **kwargs)[source]
Return tabs with widgets to interact with the HIST.nc file.
- name = 'HistFilePanel'
abipy.panels.nodes module
“Panels to interact with AbiPy flows.
- class abipy.panels.nodes.FilePathSelect(*, description, disabled_options, groups, size, options, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, value, name)[source]
- name = 'FilePathSelect'
- class abipy.panels.nodes.NodeParameterized(node, **params)[source]
- on_graphviz_btn()[source]
Visualize node dependencies with [graphviz package](https://graphviz.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html)
- Return type:
- name = 'NodeParameterized'
abipy.panels.oncvpsp_gui module
- class abipy.panels.oncvpsp_gui.Lparams(*, debl, ep, l, nbas, ncon, nproj, qcut, rc, has_remote_server, mpi_procs, plotly_template, verbose, name)[source]
Stores all the oncvpsp pseudization parameters for a given l.
- l = None
- rc = None
- ep = None
- ncon = None
- nbas = None
- qcut = None
- nproj = None
- debl = None
- name = 'Lparams'
- class abipy.panels.oncvpsp_gui.Nlf(*, f, l, n, has_remote_server, mpi_procs, plotly_template, verbose, name)[source]
Stores the value of n, l and occupancy f.
- n = None
- l = None
- f = None
- name = 'Nlf'
- class abipy.panels.oncvpsp_gui.OncvInput(*, atsym, depsh, drl, dvloc0, epsh1, epsh2, fcfact, icmod, iexc, lloc, lmax, lparams, lpopt, nc, nconf, nlf_list, nv, psfile, rc5, rcfact, rlmax, z, has_remote_server, mpi_procs, plotly_template, verbose, name)[source]
A parametrized class with all the Oncvpsp input variables, usually constructed from an external file.
- atsym = ''
- z = 1
- nc = 0
- nv = 0
- iexc = 0
- psfile = 'both'
- nlf_list = []
- lmax = 0
- lparams = []
- lloc = 4
- lpopt = 5
- rc5 = 0.0
- dvloc0 = 0.0
- icmod = 0
- fcfact = 0.0
- rcfact = 0.0
- epsh1 = -25
- epsh2 = 25
- depsh = 0.02
- rlmax = 6.0
- drl = 0.1
- nconf = 0
- name = 'OncvInput'
- abipy.panels.oncvpsp_gui.run_psgen(psgen, data)[source]
Helper function to run oncvpsp, parse the outputfiles and return dictionary with results
- Parameters:
psgen (OncvGenerator) – [description]
data (dict) – input dictionary with extra data to be added to the output dict
- Return type:
- class abipy.panels.oncvpsp_gui.OncvGui(oncv_input, plotlyFlag, in_filepath='', **params)[source]
- calc_type = 'scalar-relativistic'
- max_nprocs = 2
- dpi = 82
- qcut_num = 2
- qcut_step = 1
- qcut_dir = 'centered'
- rc_num = 2
- rc_step = 0.1
- rc_dir = 'centered'
- debl_num = 2
- debl_step = 1.0
- debl_dir = 'centered'
- rc5_num = 2
- rc5_step = 0.1
- rc5_dir = '<'
- dvloc0_num = 2
- dvloc0_step = 0.5
- dvloc0_dir = 'centered'
- fcfact_num = 1
- fcfact_step = 0.2
- fcfact_dir = 'centered'
- rcfact_num = 1
- rcfact_step = 0.2
- rcfact_dir = 'centered'
- ace_theme = 'chrome'
- history_idx = -1
- classmethod from_file(path, plotlyFlag)[source]
Build an instance from a file with the oncvpsp input variables.
- Return type:
- get_oncv_input()[source]
Take the string from the ACE editor and build an oncv input with the last changes done by the user
- Return type:
- set_oncv_input_string(new_string)[source]
Update the string in the ACE editor, store previous string in history. Return: OncvInput instance.
- Return type:
- get_rc_widgets(oncv_input)[source]
Return widgets to change the value of rc(l)
- Return type:
- get_qcut_widgets(oncv_input)[source]
Return widgets to change the value of qc(l)
- Return type:
- get_debl_widgets(oncv_input)[source]
Return widgets to change the value of debl(l)
- Return type:
- get_rc5_widgets(oncv_input)[source]
Return widgets to change the value of rc5
- Return type:
- get_dvloc0_widgets(oncv_input)[source]
Return widgets to change the value of dvloc0
- Return type:
- get_rhomodel_widgets(oncv_input)[source]
Return widgets to change the parameters for the model core charge
- Return type:
- gridplot_psgens(psgens, titles, func_names='plot_atanlogder_econv')[source]
Return a GridBox with the figures obtained by calling plotter.func_name for all the PseudoGenerators in psgens.
- Return type:
- on_change_qcut(event)[source]
Change the value of qcut(l), run oncvpsp and show the results.
- Return type:
- on_change_debl(event)[source]
Change the value of debl(l), run oncvpsp and show the results.
- Return type:
- on_change_rc5(event)[source]
Change the value of rc5 for the local part, run oncvpsp and show the results.
- Return type:
- on_change_dvloc0(event)[source]
Change the value of dvloc0 for the local part, run oncvpsp and show the results.
- Return type:
- on_change_rc(event)[source]
Change the value of rc(l), run oncvpsp and show the results.
- Return type:
- on_change_rhomodel(event)[source]
Change the parameters for the model core charge, run oncvpsp and show the results.
- Return type:
- on_change_rc_qcut(event)[source]
Generate pseudos using a grid of (rc, qcut) values for given l.
- Return type:
- on_execute_btn(event)[source]
Build a new generator from the input file, run it and update out_area.
- Return type:
- name = 'OncvGui'
abipy.panels.outputs module
Panels for interacting with output files in text format.
- class abipy.panels.outputs.AbinitOutputFilePanel(outfile, **params)[source]
Panel with widgets to interact with the main Abinit output file.
- get_cycles_view(what)[source]
Return GridBox with matplotlib plots for the GS/DFPT SCF cycles or None if no cycle is found.
- Return type:
- get_panel(as_dict=False, **kwargs)[source]
Return tabs with widgets to interact with the Abinit output file.
- name = 'AbinitOutputFilePanel'
- class abipy.panels.outputs.AbinitOutputFilePanelWithFileInput(*, has_remote_server, mpi_procs, plotly_template, verbose, name)[source]
- info_str = '\nThis application allows users to analyze the Abinit main output file\n'
- name = 'AbinitOutputFilePanelWithFileInput'
abipy.panels.phonons module
“Panels for phonon-related objects.
- class abipy.panels.phonons.PhononBandsPlotterPanel(plotter, **params)[source]
- get_panel(as_dict=False, **kwargs)[source]
Return tabs with widgets to interact with the
- name = 'PhononBandsPlotterPanel'
abipy.panels.sigeph module
Panels to interact with the SIGEPH file.
abipy.panels.structure module
“GUIs for structure.
- class abipy.panels.structure.StructurePanel(structure, with_inputs=True, **params)[source]
Panel with widgets to interact with an AbiPy Structure.
- spglib_summary()[source]
Call spglib to find space group symmetries and Wyckoff positions.
- Return type:
- on_abisanitize_btn()[source]
Returns a new structure in which: :rtype:
Structure is refined.
Reduced to primitive settings.
Lattice vectors are exchanged if the triple product is negative
- symprec:
Symmetry precision used to refine the structure.
- angle_tolerance:
Tolerance on angles.
- primitive:
Returns most primitive structure found.
- primitive_standard:
Whether to convert to a primitive cell using the standards defined in Setyawan, W., & Curtarolo, S. (2010). High-throughput electronic band structure calculations: Challenges and tools. Computational Materials Science, 49(2), 299-312. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2010.05.010
- get_kpath()[source]
Generate high-symmetry k-path from input structure in the ABINIT format.
- Return type:
- get_gs_input()[source]
Return an AbinitInput for GS calculation from the parameters selected via the widgets.
- Return type:
- on_gs_input_btn()[source]
This Tab provides widgets to generate a minimalistic ABINIT input file for ground-state calculations or structural relaxations. In the case of relaxation runs, the following variables are automatically added:
[[optcell]] = 2, [[ionmov]] = 2, [[ecutsm]] = 0.5 and [[dilatmx]] = 1.05.
kprra (number of k-points per reciprocal atom) defines the k-mesh for electrons. AbiPy automatically computes the variables [[ngkpt]], [[nshiftk]] and [[shiftk]] from kprra.
The pseudopotentials are taken from the [PseudoDojo project](http://www.pseudo-dojo.org/) according to value of XC type and Pseudos type and recommended values for [[ecut]] and [[pawecutdg]] and [[nband]] are automatically added to the input.
At the end of the page, there is a button to download a targz file with all the required input files.
- on_ebands_input_btn()[source]
This Tab provides widgets to generate a minimalistic ABINIT input file for band structure calculations. The first dataset performs a GS run to obtain the density file. The second dataset reads the DEN file and performs a NSCF calculation on a high-symmetry k-path generated automatically according to the input structure. [[ndivsm]] and [[kptbounds]]
Optionally, one can add a third dataset to compute the e-DOS via a NSCF run on a much denser k-mesh.
kprra (number of k-points per reciprocal atom) defines the k-mesh for electrons. AbiPy automatically computes the variables [[ngkpt]], [[nshiftk]] and [[shiftk]] from kprra.
The pseudopotentials are taken from the [PseudoDojo project](http://www.pseudo-dojo.org/) according to value of XC type and Pseudos type and recommended values for [[ecut]] and [[pawecutdg]] and [[nband]] are automatically added to the input.
At the end of the page, there is a button to download a targz file with all the required input files.
- on_ph_input_btn()[source]
This Tab provides widgets to generate a minimalistic ABINIT input file for the DFPT computation of phonons, Born effective charges (BECS) and macroscopic dieletric tensors.
kprra (number of k-points per reciprocal atom) defines the k-mesh for electrons. AbiPy automatically computes the variables [[ngkpt]], [[nshiftk]] and [[shiftk]] from kprra.
The pseudopotentials are taken from the [PseudoDojo project](http://www.pseudo-dojo.org/) according to value of XC type and Pseudos type and recommended values for [[ecut]] and [[pawecutdg]] and [[nband]] are automatically added to the input.
At the end of the page, there is a button to download a targz file with all the required input files.
- on_mp_match_btn()[source]
Match your structure with the ones available in the MP database. Produce table with lattice parameters and space group info.
NB: Requires a String API key for accessing the MaterialsProject REST interface. Please apply on the Materials Project website for one. If this is None, the code will check if there is a PMG_MAPI_KEY in your .pmgrc.yaml. If so, it will use that environment This makes easier for heavy users to simply add this environment variable to their setups and MPRester can then be called without any arguments.
- get_panel(with_inputs=True, as_dict=False, **kwargs)[source]
Build panel with widgets to interact with the structure either in a notebook or in a bokeh app.
- Parameters:
with_inputs – True if tabs for generating input files should be shown.
- name = 'StructurePanel'
- class abipy.panels.structure.InputFileGenerator(*, abi_sanitize, has_remote_server, mpi_procs, plotly_template, verbose, name)[source]
- abi_sanitize = True
- info_str = '\nGenerate ABINIT input files for performing basic:\n\n - GS calculations\n - NSCF band structure calculations\n - DFPT calculations for phonons including Born effective charges and dielectric constant\n\nstarting from a crystalline structure provided by the user either via an external file\nor through the Materials Project identifier (*mp-id*).\n'
- name = 'InputFileGenerator'
abipy.panels.tasks module
Panels to interact with the AbiPy tasks.
- class abipy.panels.tasks.TaskPanel(task, **params)[source]
Provides widgets to interact with an AbiPy Task.
- get_inputs_view()[source]
Show the input files of the task: input file, submission script and TaskManager
- get_errs_view()[source]
Show the error files of the task Return None if no error is found so that we don’t show this view in the GUI.
- name = 'TaskPanel'
abipy.panels.viewers module
Viewer objects.
abipy.panels.works module
“Panels to interact with the AbiPy tasks.
- class abipy.panels.works.WorkPanel(work, **params)[source]
Panel to interact with an AbiPy Work
- name = 'WorkPanel'