Go to the end to download the full example code.
e-Bands with frozen phonon
Electronic band structure of silicon in a distorted geometry (frozen phonon at q=0)
import sys
import os
import numpy as np
import as data
import abipy.abilab as abilab
import abipy.flowtk as flowtk
def make_scf_nscf_inputs(structure, paral_kgb=1):
multi = abilab.MultiDataset(structure, pseudos=data.pseudos("14si.pspnc"), ndtset=2)
# Global variables
global_vars = dict(
#nstep=4, # This is not enough to converge. Used to test the automatic restart.
# Dataset 1 (GS run)
multi[0].set_kmesh(ngkpt=[8,8,8], shiftk=[0,0,0])
# Dataset 2 (NSCF run)
kptbounds = [
[0.5, 0.0, 0.0], # L point
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], # Gamma point
[0.0, 0.5, 0.5], # X point
multi[1].set_kpath(ndivsm=6, kptbounds=kptbounds)
# Generate two input files for the GS and the NSCF run
scf_input, nscf_input = multi.split_datasets()
return scf_input, nscf_input
def build_flow(options):
# Working directory (default is the name of the script with '.py' removed and "run_" replaced by "flow_")
if not options.workdir:
options.workdir = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).replace(".py", "").replace("run_", "flow_")
# build the structures
base_structure = abilab.Structure.from_file(data.cif_file("si.cif"))
modifier = abilab.StructureModifier(base_structure)
etas = [-0.1, 0, +0.1]
ph_displ = np.reshape(np.zeros(3*len(base_structure)), (-1,3))
ph_displ[0,:] = [+1, 0, 0]
ph_displ[1,:] = [-1, 0, 0]
displaced_structures = modifier.displace(ph_displ, etas, frac_coords=False)
flow = flowtk.Flow(options.workdir, manager=options.manager)
for structure in displaced_structures:
# Create the work for the band structure calculation.
scf_input, nscf_input = make_scf_nscf_inputs(structure)
work = flowtk.BandStructureWork(scf_input, nscf_input)
return flow
# This block generates the thumbnails in the AbiPy gallery.
# You can safely REMOVE this part if you are using this script for production runs.
if os.getenv("READTHEDOCS", False):
__name__ = None
import tempfile
options = flowtk.build_flow_main_parser().parse_args(["-w", tempfile.mkdtemp()])
def main(options):
This is our main function that will be invoked by the script.
flow_main is a decorator implementing the command line interface.
Command line args are stored in `options`.
return build_flow(options)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Run the script with:
run_phfrozen_ebands -s
then use: flow_phfrozen_ebands/ structures -v
to analyze the input/output structures including the atomic positions:
Lattice parameters:
formula natom angle0 angle1 angle2 a b c volume \
w0_t0_in Si2 2 60.0 60.0 60.0 3.867 3.867 3.867 40.888
w0_t0_out Si2 2 60.0 60.0 60.0 3.867 3.867 3.867 40.888
w0_t1_in Si2 2 60.0 60.0 60.0 3.867 3.867 3.867 40.888
w1_t0_in Si2 2 60.0 60.0 60.0 3.867 3.867 3.867 40.888
w1_t0_out Si2 2 60.0 60.0 60.0 3.867 3.867 3.867 40.888
w1_t1_in Si2 2 60.0 60.0 60.0 3.867 3.867 3.867 40.888
w2_t0_in Si2 2 60.0 60.0 60.0 3.867 3.867 3.867 40.888
w2_t0_out Si2 2 60.0 60.0 60.0 3.867 3.867 3.867 40.888
w2_t1_in Si2 2 60.0 60.0 60.0 3.867 3.867 3.867 40.888
abispg_num P [GPa] Max|F| eV/ang task_class status
w0_t0_in None NaN NaN ScfTask Completed
w0_t0_out 12 -3.638 3.180e+00 ScfTask Completed
w0_t1_in None NaN NaN NscfTask Completed
w1_t0_in None NaN NaN ScfTask Completed
w1_t0_out 227 -5.212 7.430e-27 ScfTask Completed
w1_t1_in None NaN NaN NscfTask Completed
w2_t0_in None NaN NaN ScfTask Completed
w2_t0_out 12 -4.192 2.095e+00 ScfTask Completed
w2_t1_in None NaN NaN NscfTask Completed
Atomic positions (columns give the site index):
0 \
w0_t0_in (Si, +0.970139 +0.000000 +0.014930)
w0_t0_out (Si, +0.970139 +0.000000 +0.014930)
w0_t1_in (Si, +0.970139 +0.000000 +0.014930)
w1_t0_in (Si, +0.000000 +0.000000 +0.000000)
w1_t0_out (Si, +0.000000 +0.000000 +0.000000)
w1_t1_in (Si, +0.000000 +0.000000 +0.000000)
w2_t0_in (Si, +0.029861 +0.000000 +0.985070)
w2_t0_out (Si, +0.029861 +0.000000 +0.985070)
w2_t1_in (Si, +0.029861 +0.000000 +0.985070)
1 status
w0_t0_in (Si, +0.279861 +0.250000 +0.235070) Completed
w0_t0_out (Si, +0.279861 +0.250000 +0.235070) Completed
w0_t1_in (Si, +0.279861 +0.250000 +0.235070) Completed
w1_t0_in (Si, +0.250000 +0.250000 +0.250000) Completed
w1_t0_out (Si, +0.250000 +0.250000 +0.250000) Completed
w1_t1_in (Si, +0.250000 +0.250000 +0.250000) Completed
w2_t0_in (Si, +0.220139 +0.250000 +0.264930) Completed
w2_t0_out (Si, +0.220139 +0.250000 +0.264930) Completed
w2_t1_in (Si, +0.220139 +0.250000 +0.264930) Completed
Finally, we can plot the electronic bands with the command: flow_phfrozen_ebands ebands -p -t NscfTask
to select only the band structures produced by the NscfTask.
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.481 seconds)