Factory functions#
Abipy provides factory functions to build input files for typical calculations.
These functions return AbinitInput
or MultiDataset
objects, depending
on the number of steps required by the calculation.
One can use the factories to generate automatically input files or
call these functions inside python code to build workflows for high-throughput applications.
Note that the default values do not always correspond to the default behaviour of Abinit.
In particular, the majority of the factory functions construct input files
for spin-polarized calculations (nsppol=2
) with a Fermi-Dirac occupation scheme and
a physical temperature of 0.1 eV.
It is always possible to change the default behaviour either
by passing these options to the factory function or by changing the objects returned by the factory.
Also note that the factory functions do not use get*
or ird*
variables to connect the different
steps. Client code is in charge of connecting the different parts.
For a command line interface, use the abinp.py
import os
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") # to get rid of deprecation warnings
import abipy.data as abidata
import abipy.abilab as abilab
abilab.enable_notebook() # This line tells AbiPy we are running inside a notebook
from abipy.abilab import AbinitInput
Ground-state calculation#
Let us generate an input file for a standard GS calculation for silicon in which the structure is read from an external CIF file:
si_cif = abidata.cif_file("si.cif")
pseudos = os.path.join(abidata.pseudo_dir, "14si.pspnc")
# Build input for GS calculation (unpolarized, no smearing, 1000 k-points per reciprocal atom)
# ecut must be specified because this pseudopotential does not provide hints for ecut.
# kppa stands for k-point per reciprocal atom.
gs_inp = abilab.gs_input(
si_cif, pseudos,
kppa=1000, ecut=8, spin_mode="unpolarized", smearing=None) # change default
#### SECTION: basic
#### <Energy CUToff>
ecut 8
#### <Number of Grid points for K PoinTs generation>
ngkpt 8 8 8
#### <SHIFT for K points>
shiftk 0.5 0.5 0.5
#### <Number of SHIFTs for K point grids>
nshiftk 1
#### <KPoinTs OPTion>
kptopt 1
#### <Number of SPin POLarization>
nsppol 1
#### <Number of BANDs>
nband 8
#### <TOLerance on the potential V(r) ReSidual>
tolvrs 1e-08
#### SECTION: files
#### <INput DATA PREFIX>
indata_prefix indata/in
#### <TeMPorary DATA PREFIX>
tmpdata_prefix tmpdata/tmp
outdata_prefix outdata/out
#### <PSEUDOpotentialS>
pseudos /usr/share/miniconda/envs/abipy/lib/python3.12/site-packages/abipy/data/pseudos/14si.pspnc
#### SECTION: gstate
#### <CHecK SYMmetry BREAKing>
chksymbreak 0
#### <Number of SPINORial components of the wavefunctions>
nspinor 1
#### <Number of SPin-DENsity components>
nspden 1
#### <CHARGE>
charge 0.0
#### <Number of ATOMs>
natom 2
#### <Number of TYPes of AToms>
ntypat 1
#### <TYPe of AToms>
typat 1 1
#### <charge -Z- of the NUCLeus>
znucl 14
#### <vectors (X) of atom positions in REDuced coordinates>
0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
0.2500000000 0.2500000000 0.2500000000
#### <CELL lattice vector scaling>
acell 1.0 1.0 1.0
#### <Real space PRIMitive translations>
6.3285005244 0.0000000000 3.6537614813
2.1095001748 5.9665675141 3.6537614813
0.0000000000 0.0000000000 7.3075229627
Input variables for band structure calculation + DOS#
A slightly more complicated example:
# GS run + NSCF on a path + NSCF run on a k-mesh to compute the DOS
multi = abilab.ebands_input(si_cif, pseudos,
ecut=8, spin_mode="unpolarized", smearing=None, dos_kppa=5000)
#### Global Variables.
ecut 8
nsppol 1
nspinor 1
nspden 1
charge 0.0
indata_prefix indata/in
tmpdata_prefix tmpdata/tmp
outdata_prefix outdata/out
pseudos /usr/share/miniconda/envs/abipy/lib/python3.12/site-packages/abipy/data/pseudos/14si.pspnc
natom 2
ntypat 1
typat 1 1
znucl 14
0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
0.2500000000 0.2500000000 0.2500000000
acell 1.0 1.0 1.0
6.3285005244 0.0000000000 3.6537614813
2.1095001748 5.9665675141 3.6537614813
0.0000000000 0.0000000000 7.3075229627
##### DATASET 1 #####
#### SECTION: basic
ngkpt1 8 8 8
shiftk1 0.5 0.5 0.5
nshiftk1 1
kptopt1 1
nband1 8
tolvrs1 1e-08
#### SECTION: gstate
chksymbreak1 0
##### DATASET 2 #####
#### SECTION: basic
kptopt2 -11
nband2 18
iscf2 -2
tolwfr2 1e-17
#### SECTION: gstate
ndivsm2 15
0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
0.5000000000 0.0000000000 0.5000000000
0.5000000000 0.2500000000 0.7500000000
0.3750000000 0.3750000000 0.7500000000
0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
0.5000000000 0.5000000000 0.5000000000
0.6250000000 0.2500000000 0.6250000000
0.5000000000 0.2500000000 0.7500000000
0.5000000000 0.5000000000 0.5000000000
0.3750000000 0.3750000000 0.7500000000
0.6250000000 0.2500000000 0.6250000000
0.5000000000 0.0000000000 0.5000000000
##### DATASET 3 #####
#### SECTION: basic
ngkpt3 14 14 14
shiftk3 0.5 0.5 0.5
nshiftk3 1
kptopt3 1
nband3 18
iscf3 -2
tolwfr3 1e-17
#### SECTION: gstate
chksymbreak3 0
# "pseudos": [
# {
# "@module": "pymatgen.io.abinit.pseudos",
# "@class": "NcAbinitPseudo",
# "basename": "14si.pspnc",
# "type": "NcAbinitPseudo",
# "symbol": "Si",
# "Z": 14,
# "Z_val": 4.0,
# "l_max": 2,
# "md5": "3916b143991b1cfa1542b130be320e5e",
# "filepath": "/usr/share/miniconda/envs/abipy/lib/python3.12/site-packages/abipy/data/pseudos/14si.pspnc"
# }
# ]
Factories for GW calculations#
# Generate an input file for GW calculations with the plasmon-pole model.
# The calculations consists of a GS run to get the density followed by a
# nscf-run to compute the WFK file with `nscf_nband` states.
# The cutoff for the screening is given by `ecuteps` while the cutoff for
# the exchange part of the self-energy is equal to ecut.
# kppa defines the k-point sampling.
kppa = 1000
ecut = ecutsigx = 8
ecuteps = 2
nscf_nband = 50
multi = abilab.g0w0_with_ppmodel_inputs(
si_cif, pseudos, kppa, nscf_nband, ecuteps, ecutsigx,
ecut=ecut, smearing=None, spin_mode="unpolarized")
#### Global Variables.
ecut 8
ngkpt 8 8 8
shiftk 0.0 0.0 0.0
nshiftk 1
kptopt 1
chksymbreak 0
nsppol 1
nspinor 1
nspden 1
charge 0.0
istwfk *1
indata_prefix indata/in
tmpdata_prefix tmpdata/tmp
outdata_prefix outdata/out
pseudos /usr/share/miniconda/envs/abipy/lib/python3.12/site-packages/abipy/data/pseudos/14si.pspnc
natom 2
ntypat 1
typat 1 1
znucl 14
0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
0.2500000000 0.2500000000 0.2500000000
acell 1.0 1.0 1.0
6.3285005244 0.0000000000 3.6537614813
2.1095001748 5.9665675141 3.6537614813
0.0000000000 0.0000000000 7.3075229627
##### DATASET 1 #####
#### SECTION: basic
nband1 8
tolvrs1 1e-08
##### DATASET 2 #####
#### SECTION: basic
nband2 50
iscf2 -2
tolwfr2 1e-17
##### DATASET 3 #####
#### SECTION: basic
nband3 50
iscf3 -2
toldfe3 1e-08
#### SECTION: gstate
optdriver3 3
#### SECTION: gw
ecuteps3 2
inclvkb3 2
awtr3 1
symchi3 1
#### SECTION: paral
gwpara3 2
##### DATASET 4 #####
#### SECTION: basic
nband4 50
iscf4 -2
toldfe4 1e-08
#### SECTION: gstate
optdriver4 4
#### SECTION: gw
gwcalctyp4 00
ecuteps4 2
ecutsigx4 8
symsigma4 1
gw_qprange4 1
ppmodel4 1
#### SECTION: paral
gwpara4 2
# "pseudos": [
# {
# "@module": "pymatgen.io.abinit.pseudos",
# "@class": "NcAbinitPseudo",
# "basename": "14si.pspnc",
# "type": "NcAbinitPseudo",
# "symbol": "Si",
# "Z": 14,
# "Z_val": 4.0,
# "l_max": 2,
# "md5": "3916b143991b1cfa1542b130be320e5e",
# "filepath": "/usr/share/miniconda/envs/abipy/lib/python3.12/site-packages/abipy/data/pseudos/14si.pspnc"
# }
# ]