Welcome to the AbiPy Jupyter Book! This book contains notebook-based documentation for AbiPy. This augments our Sphinx-based documentation with jupyter notebooks containing interactive tutorials and examples.
Additional examples are available on the:
Beginners should typically start with the three notebooks on Abipy objects, continue with the notebook on the output file (and possibly some of those focusing on other output files), and then examine the flows notebook.
AbiPy Objects#
Structure: The crystalline structure
Abinit Input: How to create an
Input Factories: Generating input files for high-throughput calculations
Output files supported by AbiPy# File with ground-state results produced by SCF/NSCF runs. File produced by structural relaxations and MD runs Plot electronic fatbands and L-projected DOS
DDB: Tools to analyze phonons How to analyze the results of \(GW\) calculations How to analyze the results of Bethe-Salpeter calculations
Lobster: How to analyze the output files produced by Lobster How to analyze the Wannier90 wout file and the netcdf file produced by Abinit
AbiPy Workflows#
Flows: How to automate calculations with
This notebook is complemented with the documentation on the
TaskManager Configuration:
How to specify options in manager.yml
and scheduler.yml
Abinit + AbiPy Lessons#
This section discusses flows and vizualisation tools for the same topics as some standard ABINIT tutorials. Usually, the corresponding ABINIT tutorial has to be followed first. Sometimes there is also a large overlap with some of the previous AbiPy tutorials.