Multiple e-DOSes

This example shows how to compute and plot multiple electron DOSes obtained with different values of the gaussian broadening.

  • e-DOS of Si for different Gaussian broadenings
  • e-DOS of Si for different Gaussian broadenings (gridplot version), $\sigma = 0.1$ (eV), $\sigma = 0.2$ (eV), $\sigma = 0.3$ (eV)
  • e-DOS of Ni for different Gaussian broadenings
  • e-DOS of Ni for different Gaussian broadenings (spin-resolved)
  • e-DOS of Ni for different Gaussian broadenings (gridplot version), $\sigma = 0.1$ (eV), $\sigma = 0.2$ (eV), $\sigma = 0.3$ (eV)
  • e-DOS of Ni for different Gaussian broadenings (gridplot version, spin-resolved), $\sigma = 0.1$ (eV), $\sigma = 0.2$ (eV), $\sigma = 0.3$ (eV)
import as abidata

from abipy import abilab

# Open the wavefunction file computed with a homogeneous sampling of the BZ
# and extract the band structure on the k-mesh.
with abilab.abiopen(abidata.ref_file("")) as gs_wfk:
    gs_bands = gs_wfk.ebands

# Compute the DOS with different values of the Gaussian smearing.
widths = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]

edos_plotter = gs_bands.compare_gauss_edos(widths, step=0.1)

title = "e-DOS of Si for different Gaussian broadenings"

# Invoke ElectronDosPlotter methods to plot results.

edos_plotter.gridplot(title=f"{title} (gridplot version)")

# Now we read the band structure of Nickel (spin-polarized)

with abilab.abiopen(abidata.ref_file("")) as gsr:
    ni_ebands_kmesh = gsr.ebands

widths = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
edos_plotter = ni_ebands_kmesh.compare_gauss_edos(widths=widths, step=0.2)

title = "e-DOS of Ni for different Gaussian broadenings"

edos_plotter.combiplot(dos_mode="idos+dos", title=title)

edos_plotter.combiplot(dos_mode="dos", spin_mode="resolved",
                       title=f"{title} (spin-resolved)")

edos_plotter.gridplot(title=f"{title} (gridplot version)")

                      title=f"{title} (gridplot version, spin-resolved)")

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.653 seconds)

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