
This example shows how to plot the macroscopic dielectric function (MDF) computed in the Bethe-Salpeter code.

  • Si absorption spectrum: EXC vs RPA (averaged over small q-points)
  • Real part for the first q-point: EXC vs RPA
  • Si macroscopic dielectric tensor (Reduced coord)
  • Si macroscopic dielectric tensor (Cartesian coord)
import as abidata
from abipy.abilab import abiopen

# Open the MDF file produced in the tutorial.
mdf_file = abiopen(abidata.ref_file(""))

# Plot the imaginary part of the macroscopic
# dielectric function (EXC, RPA, GWRPA) between 2 and 5 eV.
xlims = (2, 5)

                   title="Si absorption spectrum: EXC vs RPA (averaged over small q-points)")

# Plot the real part for the first q-point --> 0
mdf_file.plot_mdfs(cplx_mode="Re", qpoint=0, xlims=xlims,
                   title="Real part for the first q-point: EXC vs RPA")

# Plot the 6 different components of the macroscopic dielectric tensor
tensor_exc = mdf_file.get_tensor("exc")
tensor_exc.plot(title="Si macroscopic dielectric tensor (Reduced coord)")

                title="Si macroscopic dielectric tensor (Cartesian coord)")


Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 4.636 seconds)

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