Plot the LRUJ results

This example shows how to parse the output file produced by lruj and plot the results

See also

from abipy.electrons.lruj import LrujAnalyzer, LrujResults
import as abidata
import os

# Initialize LrujResults from the main output file of lruj
outfile = abidata.ref_file("lruj_data/lruj.out")
lr = LrujResults.from_file(outfile)

Plot the fits.

lr.plot(degrees="all", insetdegree=4, ptcolor0='blue', ptitle="Hello World", fontsize=9)

#filepaths = [
#    "",
#    "",
#    "",
#    "",
#root = "tutorial_tlruj_1-tlruj_2-tlruj_3/"
#filepaths = [os.path.join(root, p) for p in filepaths]
#lruj = LrujAnalyzer(verbose=1)
#lruj.add_ncpaths("foo", filepaths)
#lruj.add_ncpaths("bar", filepaths)

Hello World

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.155 seconds)

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