Eliashberg functionΒΆ

This example shows how to plot the Eliashberg function a2F(w) and the total e-ph coupling strenght in metals.

  • plot a2f
  • plot a2f
  • plot a2f


================================= File Info =================================
Name: al_888k_161616q_A2F.nc
Directory: /Users/gmatteo/git_repos/abipy/abipy/data/refs/al_eph
Size: 252.30 kb
Access Time: Wed Mar 20 21:31:02 2019
Modification Time: Wed Mar 20 16:53:35 2019
Change Time: Wed Mar 20 16:53:35 2019

================================= Structure =================================
Full Formula (Al1)
Reduced Formula: Al
abc   :   2.806386   2.806386   2.806386
angles:  60.000000  60.000000  60.000000
Sites (1)
  #  SP      a    b    c
---  ----  ---  ---  ---
  0  Al      0    0    0

Abinit Spacegroup: spgid: 0, num_spatial_symmetries: 48, has_timerev: True, symmorphic: False

============================== Electronic Bands ==============================
Number of electrons: 3.0, Fermi level: 7.129 (eV)
nsppol: 1, nkpt: 72, mband: 5, nspinor: 1, nspden: 1
smearing scheme: gaussian (occopt 7), tsmear_eV: 1.088

================================ Phonon Bands ================================
Number of q-points: 198
Atomic mass units: {13.0: 26.981539}
Has non-analytical contribution for q --> 0: False

============================== E-PH calculation ==============================
K-mesh for electrons:
mpdivs: [12 12 12] with shifts [[0. 0. 0.]] and kptopt: 1

a2f(w) on the [4 4 4] q-mesh (ddb_ngqpt|eph_ngqpt)
Isotropic lambda: 0.22, omega_log: 0.030 (eV), 348.241 (K)

a2f(w) Fourier interpolated on the [16 16 16] q-mesh (ph_ngqpt)
Isotropic lambda: 0.24, omega_log: 0.030 (eV), 343.427 (K)

<Figure size 640x480 with 2 Axes>

from abipy import abilab
import abipy.data as abidata

phdos_path = abidata.ref_file("al_161616q_PHDOS.nc")

ncfile = abilab.abiopen(abidata.ref_file("al_888k_161616q_A2F.nc"))

#with_lambda = False
#fig = ncfile.a2f_qcoarse.plot_nuterms(with_lambda=with_lambda, show=False)
#ncfile.a2f_qintp.plot_nuterms(axmat=fig.axes, with_lambda=with_lambda)




# Grid with 3 plots (a2F, F, a2F) with F taken from PHDOS file.

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 4.533 seconds)

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